The class for my lecture today at Eastern Mediterranean University in northern Cyprus was full of surprises.
My first surprise was the composition of the class, which I had expected would consist of Turks and Turkish Cypriots. I was delighted to learn that EMU has an international student profile similar to
I was also surprised by the question from one young man who
wanted my opinion on what he said was U.S. government policy that he claims
favors violence and instability in the upcoming Nigerian elections. I said that
I am not a diplomat or a representative of the U.S. government, and thus have
nothing substantive to say about any State Department policies. I encouraged
him to send me the evidence of America’s supposed pro-violence policy in
Nigeria. I eagerly await his email.
What did not surprise me was the quality of the discourse
during my two-hour lecture. The students were engaged and thoughtful, and
seemed to quickly absorb (and at times question) the key principles of peace
journalism. My only regret is that I won’t see these students again, unless
they decide to study abroad at Park University.
Right Right and very good Professor!!